إِباوْنْ- مْنْكوبْ/Mangoob/Moroccan Broad or Fava Bean Salad/Salade Marocaine aux Fèves Fraîches (Mangoub)!
We call them "Ibawn =إِباوْنْ " in Tachalhit or Imazighen, and "Fool" or "Full = فُولْ ", in Morocco, elsewhere they are commonly known as fava beans, broad beans, horse beans or windsor beans etc....
When I was a kid, I tried to grow fava beans in a glass! So I got a clear drinking glass, put some shredded newspaper to hold my beans inside, then put 4 or 5 fresh shelled fava beans in the center and poured a few cm of water. I was sure I could actually make fava beans sprout in my glass! So there sat my glass, on our kitchen windowsill, and dutifully I watered or rather over-watered the beans every single day, waiting several weeks for a sprout to appear or for something or anything to emerge. Nothing, I gave up on my fava beans!
I have loved fresh, raw or cooked fava beans since my childhood, and I remember my mother who whenever she thought I hadn't been eating enough vegetables, she would give me a bunch of fava beans to shell, knowing that I would eat at least half of it. Some prefer them cooked but personally, I find them equally delicious either served in the pod, shelled or in a tomato sauce or in a tagine or couscous or soup etc.... There are so many variations of dishes that you can make with fava beans, which are very popular in Moroccan cooking, with many summer dishes, celebrating the seasonal fava bean, however they are also dried for winter use.
The most popular fava bean dish in Morocco is Mangoob (MAN-GOOB) = مْنْكوبْ, it is mostly served as a side dish, and it usually accompanies tagines, fish, and some nice home-made bread. It's a combination of fava beans, garlic, parsley/coriander, and cumin in a rich fresh tomato sauce with a touch of lemon. Absolutely delicious!

Serves 4 to 5 people
Preparation Time: 0 h 15 minutes
Cook Time: 0 h 45 minutes
- 2 kgs fresh fava beans (also called broad beans) - N.B. 500 gr of fresh fava beans in their pods, yielding about 170 gr of shelled beans
- 4 clove garlic, very finely chopped or grated
- About 50 ml olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- Some salt to taste
- 1 teaspoon sweet red paprika
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley and coriander leaves
- Juice of 1/2 fresh lemon
- 1/4 preserved lemon, pulp and rind, finely minced
- 1/4 teaspoon tomato puree or tomato paste
- About 400 gr fresh, ripe tomatoes, grated or chopped in blender
- 1/4 teaspoon of hot red paprika or red chilli powder. Only for spicy food lovers!
- Reserve a bit of preserved lemon rind and parsley for garnish
- Snap off stem end of the fava pod towards string side of the pod. When you pinch the end off, there should be a string attached to it , take it off, then open the pod and remove beans.
- Wash the fava beans and steam them for about 45 minutes to 1 hour or until they are quite tender.
- Put olive oil and salt in a deep skillet or a sauce pot, and turn heat to medium. One minute later, add onion and garlic then saute, stirring for about 1 minute.
- Add tomatoes, tomato paste, lemon juice, preserved lemon, parsley/coriander and all spices. Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and allow to cook for about 25 to 30 minutes, or until a nice thick sauce has formed. Do not cover and stir occasionally.
- Add the cooked fava beans and you might need to add some water (but make sure not to add too much). Add only if your tomatoes are not juicy enough and the sauce is TOO THICK to serve (usually 30 ml of water is sufficient).
- Simmer for about 15 minutes to heat the fava beans, allowing them to absorb all the fabulous flavours of the sauce, which will thicken. Remember if too thick, add again a little bit of water, but NOT TOO MUCH. Gently stir, trying not to break or mash the fava beans.
- Adjust the seasoning, add more salt or black pepper or few drops of fresh lemon juice, then remove from the heat.
- Garnish and serve warm or cold with some nice bread. Sprinkle on some ground cumin. Enjoy!

Pour 5 à 5 personnes
Temps de préparation: 0 h 15 minutes
Temps de cuisson : 0 h 45 minutes
- 2 Kgs de fèves fraîches - N.B. 500 gr de fèves fraîches donne à peine 170 gr de graines
- 4 gousse d'ail, hachées finement ou râpées
- Environ 50 ml d'huile d'olive
- 1/4 c à thé ou à café de poivre noir moulu
- 1 c à thé ou à café de cumin poudre
- Un peu de sel selon le goût
- 1 c à thé ou à café de paprika rouge ou piment doux
- 2 c à soupe de feuilles fraîches de persil et coriandre hachées
- Jus d'1/2 citron frais
- 1/4 de citron confit, peau et pulpe hachés finement
- 1/4 c à à thé ou café concentré de tomates ou pâte de tomate
- Environ 400 gr de tomates bien mûres, râpées ou passées au robot
- 1/4 c à thé ou à café de chilli en poudre. A ajouter seulement si vous aimez le piquant
Autres ingrédients :
- Garnir avec la peau de citron confit et du persil
- Equeutez les fèves en tirant le fil qui se situe entre les deux pellicules, puis ouvrir pour récupérer les fèves.
- Laver les fèves, et faire cuire à la vapeur pendant 45 minutes à 1 heure et demie ou jusqu'à que les fèves, soient bien tendres.
Préparer la sauce tomate:
- Sur un feu moyen, dans une casserole ou une poêle profonde ou autre récipient similaire, verser l'huile d'olive et sel, puis laisser chauffer environ 1 minute et ajouter l'ail et l'oignon, puis faire sauter environ 1 minute.
- Ajouter les tomates, jus de citron, citron confit, persil/coriandre, concentré de tomate et toutes les épices. Remuer de temps en temps et une fois à ébullition, réduire le feu et laisser la sauce cuire sans couvrir enriron 25 à 30 minutes jusqu'à la sauce soit bien liée et assez épaisse.
- Ajouter les fèves cuites et si la sauce devient trop épaisse, ajouter un tout petit peu de l'eau, mais surtout PAS TROP, en général 30 ml d'eau est largement assez.
- Laisser mijoter pendant environ 15 minutes pour chauffer les fèves, et leur permettre d'absorber les riches saveurs de la sauce, qui va s'épaissir. Encore une fois, si la sauce est trop épaisse, ajouter un tout petit peu de l'eau, mais surtout PAS TROP. Remuer le tout délicatement pour éviter de briser les fèves.
- Goûter et ajuster l'assaisonement, ajouter un peu de sel ou poivre noir moulu ou bien quelques gouttes de jus de citron frais etc...
- Garnir et servir chaude ou froide avec du bon pain. Saupoudrer d'un peu de cumin poudre.
Bon weekend et bises,