طجين اللّوبية وْ الزًتونْ/Moroccan Tajine of Mutton with Green Beans and Olives / Tajine Marocain de mouton aux Haricots Verts et Olives

 طجين اللّوبية وْ الزًتونْ
طجين سوسي 

Lamb, rich and flavoured meat, is largely used in Moroccan tagines, known as "Ghalmi or mouton”. This is a flavorful and wonderfully comforting dish on a chilly day, especially when it's made with the right ingredients. You can make the same tagine with chicken but you have probably to knock a few minutes off the cooking time. All the ingredients in this tagine make a delectable combo and great combination.


Nina said…
We love lamb, green beans, green olives...yummm; coming soon to our dinner table! thanks for visit and comment! Have a nice weekend! XO
Looks delicious, I wish I had a tagine.
Nadji said…
Grâce à toi, je connais tous les trucs pour utiliser un tajine.
J'aime le nouveau look de ton blog: j'ai découvert beaucoup de recettes dont j'ignorais l'existence et j'ai visité en 1er lieu la rubrique pain.
J'aime beaucoup le tajine aux haricots verts.
A bientôt.
Alessandra said…
Tu sais j'adore le tajine et tes recettes son fantastique.
Baci Alessandra
Katy ~ said…
I am ooooh'ing and aaaaaah'ing over this dish. Love the combination of flavors in this dish.

LOVE your food!!
Barbara Bakes said…
The Tajines are beautiful! What a wonderful way to cook this delicious meal!
Unknown said…
j ai bien adore tes tajines .mamatkamal tu es un vrai chef .ton blog est beau a voir et
apprendre .merci pour tous ces delices . un gros bisous a tes enfants.
Anonymous said…
Just wonderful, thank you! I have two Emile Henry tagines, which are perfect for the cooktop, so I will have to try this recipe. The only problem with the EH tagines is that they tend to bubble over the sides, so I prop the lid up with a toothpick to let just the tiniest bit of steam escape. Maybe that's because they don't have a steam hole at the top of the lid?

Must go back and read more recipes on your blog.. :)

Cheers, Celia
maroc deal said…
Merci pour ces recettes variées ! J'adore le tajine et j'adore votre blog !