Anwar's Castle Cake/Gâteau Château d'Anwar

I am not a great cake maker but when Kamal and Nassim wanted a castle cake for their little brother Anwar's first Birthday, I had to look for ideas.  I love cakes that have no plastics or any artificial stuff being used as part of decoration i.e. everything is to be eaten without any part of it left :).

Kamal, Nassim and I made this cake from the Cake Decoration Book "No-Time Party Cakes" by Carol Deacon, see the book below.  It was a great help, we just followed the step by step instructions and it was fun.  This cake was a big challenge, it took us a while to put it all together. We baked the round Madeira Cake one day before and the sugar paste decorations (the baby in yellow, sleeping :), green elephant, doors, windows and leaves) were made in advance and were just added the day of the party.  It was fun and a lot of work but well worth the effort.  Happy Birthday Anwar Nowara!  Love you all! Hugs and kisses!

2 Awards:

Thanks QIS of Baking Temptations for including me in your list of Happy 101 Award winners!   Please make sure you check out her lovely blog!

Rules for this Award:

1. Copy the award image into a post.
2. List 10 things that make you happy.
3. Tag ten bloggers who brighten your day.
4. Put in a link to their blogs.
5. Notify the award receivers.
6. Link back to the sender's blog.

Here are my tagged 10 bloggers:

1. Anncoo's Hobby
2.Maison Cupcake of Sarah
3.Blog des petits-fours
5.Thé à la menthe du Maroc
7.Au plaisir de bien manger par Josée
8.Ô Délices de Tamy
9. Miss Creative Cakes
10.Happy Home Baker

They all  have wonderful recipes.  Please check them out.

I am also honoured to be recognized by Sarah of All Our Fingers in the Pie, one of my favourite blogger. She is fabulous and her blog is absolutely wonderful.  

And I'm passing it to the following very talented bloggers:

1-.QIS of Baking Temptations
2-Saveurs et gourmandises
3.Nina's recipes


Nina said…
Happy Birthday to your little son!
Beautiful castle cake! Compliments!
Thank you for the award! You are very kind! Have a lovely day!
Thank you for the award! I have a couple to dish out from my own blog :-)

I love the ice cream cone turrets for this cake, it's so detailed it must have taken ages. I bet his eyes lit up when he saw it.
ann low said…
Happy Birthday Anwar! He is so adorable :)
Thank you so much for passing me this Award. I love it.
Nadji said…
Quelle réalisation.
J'avoue que je ne me suis lancée dans ce genre de gâteau.
Bon anniversaire à ton fiston.
Le coquin sur la photo, c'est Kamel ou Nassim?
Merci beaucoup pour le prix, je l'accepte avec plaisir.
Tu parles de tes étudiants : tu enseignes quoi et quel niveau?
Je t'embrasse.
Unknown said…
happy birthadat to your little

joyeux anniversaire a ton petit

pleine du sante et du joie ainsi que toute ta famille
je suis honnoree pour le prix que j accepte avec plaisir
et je te remercie infiniment
ton gateau est un travail
du chef et tu merites mille prix
merci encore et bisous a tes fils -et a toute ta famille
Nadia said…
Le gâteau pour ton fils est comme toi : exceptionnel; mille bravos ma très chère Khadija tu es très talentueuse tbarek Allah 3lik et qu'Allah te préserve tes fils et ton mari.

Merci pour le prix je suis très touchée et flattée...
Josée Roy said…
Bonjour Mamatkamal, merci beaucoup pour ce award c'est très gentil à toi d'avoir pensé à moi. Je vais y répondre dans les jours prochains.

Félicitation pour tes prix tu le mérites et aussi pour ce gâteau tout à fait majestueux. Ton garçon va se souvenir de son anniversaire toute sa vie, j'en suis certaine.

Passe une très belle journée.
Josée xx
Happy Homebaker said…
Thanks for the award!!
Your boy is so adorable! and what a beautiful cake you have made for him, you are a great mum :)
QIS said…
Thank you very much for giving me award!!the cake looks great. I agree, playing with sugarpaste was fun but lot of work and time consuming.
Happy Birthday to your little son!
meriya said…
Majestueux gâteaux oultma i3ezzan.
je salut en toi ton courrage pour relever les défis de gâteaux difficiles à faire.
Q'Allah le tout puissant te préserve tes petits bouts de choux,ils sont formidables.
Gros bisous aux kids,qui me manquent vraiment.
soumiya22 said…
MC said…
Thank you so much for honoring me with an award! Your cake is a beauty. What beautiful memories of his birthday your little boy now has... He is sooo cute, by the way!
Katy ~ said…
Happy Birthday to Anwar. He is sooooo handsome; I want to send him a hundred kisses.

Your cake is beautifully decorated. I can't imagine the time and talent that it takes to make a special cake like this. His eyes must have lighted up with delight at the sight of it!

Well done!
Mercotte said…
il est très gâté ce mignon petit garçon avec ce beau gâteau dis donc!