First I would like to wish you all a very happy Mother's Day! Many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year. In UK, it is today, March 14, 2010 : the Mothering Sunday Date. UK holds the prestige of being the first country in the world to celebrate that very special day.
I cannot describe Mother's Day as anything other than SPECIAL and I don't know why I always cry on this Day, which makes my heart feel like crying with sheer joy, delight but I still feel sad and blue because I miss so much my lovely mother who passed away in March, 1998.
Now, it's time to post for March Mactweets Challenge, hosted by Deeba of Passionate about baking
and Jamie of Life's a feast, and this month theme is: “Spring Fling:". I love Spring so much, maybe because I was born on April. I love the spring flowers, I mean really really love them.... When I think of spring, I become a yellow-orange Tulip. Both colours yellow and orange attract me and make me feel cheerful, happy and energized, so I decided to make these saffron macarons. As a filling, the kids chose white chocolate and marshmallow. I’m submitting this post to MACTWEETS, a LOVELY BLOG devoted to MACARONS AND ONLY MACARONS. Please check it out! The round up will be posted on the 20th of March. It falls on the "Jour du Macaron / Fête de printemps".
For recipe, I always use my usual recipe adapted from La cuisine de Mercotte, the Queen of French Macarons!.

Happy Mother's Day and WOW what a treat, a limo out to lunch! Lovely family, lovely mom. Bittersweet but perfect!
Toutes mes félicitations : une merveille.
Je t'embrasse.
Tu as de la chance de ne pas habiter Paris, je serai passer chez toi à la vitesse de l'éclair pour en goûter.
Mother's day in North America is in May.
what a lovely macarons I love the color you get from the saffron.
Great photos as well...
je suis sans voix wallah
ton commentaire pour le batbut du son je l ai elimine par megarde je ne l ai pas fait expres .mais je te remercie d avoir passer me voir
pour le partage
et merci pour ces delicieux macarons chapeau bas
Thank you playing with us at MacTweets!!
Those macaroons are gorgeous. I love how they are stuffed to the brim with filling. Perfect.
I think no one else does macarons as well as you do. They are so beautiful!