خبز بالعسل/Moroccan Golden Cirlce Honey Bread / Pain Au Miel Marocain

If you are a busy mom, you might not always have time to make a home-made bread every day.  As soon as I get some free hours during the weekend, I make these lovely honey bread, put them in the freezer without slicing them. For thawing, I just spray the circles with a light mist of water and heat it in the oven in a very low temperature.  I think the water makes the difference, the bread tastes freshly baked!  This is an easy-to-make treat that works well for breakfast, tea-time, anytime.  I'm sending this recipe of Golden Cirlce Honey Bread over to Susan's Yeastspotting, at Wild Yeast. 


-400g white flour / 400g de farine blanche
-1 teaspoons dried yeast / 1 c à thé de levure de boulangerie séchée
-5 tablespoons pure honey / 5 c à soupe du miel de bonne qualité
-4 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds / 4  c à soupe de graines de sésames grillées
-Pinch of salt / Une pincée de sel
- 2 eggs / 2 oeufs
-1 tablespoon olive oil / 1 c à soupe d'huile d'olive
-4 tablespoons caster sugar / 4 c à soupe de sucre semoule
-Some warm water to knead the dough / De l'eau tiède pour pétrir la pâte

Method / Préparation:

1-Put the yeast, 1 teaspoon caster sugar and some warm water (about 100ml) in a bowl, mix well, cover and leave until bubbles appear on the surface (about 30 minutes). / Diluer la levure avec 1 c a thé de sucre et environ 100ml de l'eau tiède et laisser reposer 30 minutes.  Normalement, il doit y avoir des bulbes qui se forment à la surface du mélange de la levure.

2-Put the flour, sesame seeds (You'll need 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds for sprinkling on the dough before baking it), salt and the remainder of the sugar in a large bowl or 9assriya (quassria), make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture and oil, then mix well with your hands, adding gradually warm water. Mix well to a soft dough.  Turn it out onto a floured surface or keep it in 9assriya and knead for about 15 minutes or untill smooth and elastic.  If the dough is not soft enough, add some more water and keep kneading. / Dans un grand bol, mettre la farine, graines de sésames (réserver 1 c à thé pour parsemer le pain juste avant cuisson), sel et le reste du sucre.  Faire une fontaine, ajouter le mélange de levure et l'huile, bien mélanger avec les mains.  Ajouter graduellement de l'eau tiède et former une pâte .  Bien pétrir sur un plan de travail ou dans 9assriya pendant environ 15 minutes jusqu'a que la pâte soit souple et lisse. Si la pâte est dure, ajouter un peu de l'eau et pétrir de nouveau quelques minutes.

3-Place in an oiled bowl and brush the dough with oil.  Cover with plastic wrap or a damp tea towel and let rise for about 1 hour or until doubled in size. / Huiler un bol, placer la pâte , badigeonner-la d'un peu d'huile, couvrir avec un film alimentaire ou d'un torchon humide de préférence.  Laisser lever pendant 1 heure.  La pâte doit doubler de volume.

4-Punch down and knead for about 5 minutes. / Dégaser la pâte et pétrir pendant 5 minutes.

5-Divide the dough into small equal balls . /  Diviser pâte en boules égales.
6-Shape each into a round. Cover with a towel and let rise for about 30 to 45 minutes. / Aplatir les boules en donnant une forme ronde.   Couvrir avec un torchon et laisser lever pendant environ 30 à 45 minutes.
7-Preheat the oven to 200°C. / Préchauffer le four à 200°C.

8-Score them with a knife and brush with white egg, sprinkle some sesmame seeds at the top / Faire des coupures longues en diagonale dans la pâte à l'aide d'un couteau, badigeonner la surface du pain avec du blanc d'œuf, saupoudrer avec des  graines de sésame.
9-Bake for about 30 minutes or until golden.  Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack. /Enfourner le pain pendant environ 30 minutes ou jusqu'à  qu'il soit bien doré.

10-Enjoy  / Bssa7a wa ra7.


Bread and honey sounds wonderful. I was hoping to squeeze in an entry to bread baking day but it's looking increasingly unlikely. I am very keen to make more bread this year. These loaves look beautiful golden colour.
Josée Roy said…
Bonjour Mamatkamal, j'aime beaucoup ces pains légèrement sucré, il a l'air tellement bon.

Passe une belle journée.
Josée xx
Sarah said…
Wow, these are a really good idea. I love fresh bread and having it in the freezer is ideal. I also appreciate your English/French. It helps me to learn French!
ann low said…
WOW! You made the honey bread all by hand? Really impressed! I seldom make bread even though I had a bread machine at home~~
Katy ~ said…
Love homemade bread, and I most certainly love honey in bread. Oh my, does this ever please the heart and the belly. Excellent!! I'll have to look and see if I have sesame seeds. I think I need this!
Barbara Bakes said…
I'm going to remember you tip to spray bread with water before warming it up. The bread looks scrumptious!
MC said…
I love this golden round loaves. They must taste heavenly. I too put water on frozen breads before putting them in the oven but I usually just run them quickly under the cold water faucet. I'll try spraying now!
Joanne said…
thanks for the tip about the water!

The honey and sesame seed combo in these sounds delicious. They look like the perfect treat!
Spicegoddess said…
I've always wanted to learn to make bread, and this is such a lovely recipe. I'm not one on baking, but you have given me the courage to try it again. Do you know where I can find a 9assriya in US? Shukran.
wa 3alykom salam balancia, you might use any large bowl, not necessary a 9assriya which will be quite difficult to find in US. 9assriya is used just to facilitate the kneading process because of its big and round shape. So anything round and big enough to knead the dough will do!