عصير الرّْمّانْ /Pomegranate and Strawberry Smoothie, Moroccan Style! / Jus Panaché aux Grenades et Fraises, à la Marocaine!
In Quoran, it is called the "Fruit of Paradise"! In Morocco, we call it "Rman" = "R'MAN". I have wonderful childhood memories of enjoying pomegranate fruit, and have loved eating these gorgeous ruby red seeds since I was a child, especially when served for desserts. My mother would break open three or four pomegranates, fill up a bowl of those ruby-like seeds, add a segment of mandarin and some fresh orange juice, then sprinkle some icing sugar and ground cinnamon on top, then finally add the magic touch of orange blossom water. So delicious!
I've introduced this fruit to my children at an early age, and gradually they get used to the taste and now they have adopted my passion for it. I was surprised a few years ago, when one of my neighbours asked me, how to eat a pomegranate, I don't remember anyone teaching me how to do it. As a child, I simply broke open the red skin of the fruit with a knife or my hands, then use a spoon or my fingers to pick out the lovely red seeds, savouring each one individually!
In Morocco, the pomegranate fruit is eaten either raw, made into fruits spreads or desserts or juice. Today I'm posting this awesomely pomegranate smoothie, that tastes really good and very refreshing, especially if you use fresh strawberries instead of frozen ones, however if you can't, simply add some extra-sweetener as honey or sugar or ice cream. You can also replace strawberry with peach.
In Morocco, the pomegranate fruit is eaten either raw, made into fruits spreads or desserts or juice. Today I'm posting this awesomely pomegranate smoothie, that tastes really good and very refreshing, especially if you use fresh strawberries instead of frozen ones, however if you can't, simply add some extra-sweetener as honey or sugar or ice cream. You can also replace strawberry with peach.
Makes about 200 ml glasses x 3 / Pour environ 3 verres de 200 ml
Preparation Time: 30 minutes / Temps de préparation: 30 minutes
-2 medium pomegranates, yielding about 200 gr of pomegranate seeds / 2 grenades de taille moyenne, apportera environ 200 gr de pépins
-300 ml fresh orange juice (Sometimes if I can't find fresh oranges, I simply use cranberry juice as a replacement for fresh orange juice and it tastes good as well) / 300 ml jus d'orange frais (Parfois, c'est impossible de tomber sur des bonnes oranges fraîches, alors j'utilise tout simplement le jus de canneberge comme remplacement, et ça donne un très bon goût aussi)
-200 gr de fresh strawberry / 200 gr de fraises fraîches
-4 ice cubes / 4 cubes de glace
-Raisin juice / Jus de raisins secs
Prepare raisin juice / Préparer le jus de raisins secs:
-50 gr dark raisins / 50 gr de raisins secs noirs
-2 drops orange blossom water / 2 gouttes d'eau de fleur d'oranger
-About 100 ml of cold water / Environ 100 ml de l'eau froide
-Pinch of salt / Une pincée de sel
-2 tablespoons fresh orange juice / 2 c à soupe de jus d'orange frais
-1 teaspoon (5 ml) of caster sugar / 1 c à café ou à thé (5 ml) de sucre semoule
Rinse the raisins. Put water, salt, orange juice, sugar and raisins in a large saucepan or other, then allow to cook, uncovered, over a high heat for about 10 minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer at low heat till there is only about 20 ml of liquid left. Remove from heat, then add orange blossom water and allow to cool. / Rincez les raisins, les mettre dans une casserole ou autres, ajouter l'eau, le jus d'orange, sel, sucre, et faire cuire environ 10 minutes à feu vif, ensuite baisser le feu et laisser cuire jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait qu'environ 20 ml de liquide. Retirer du feu ajouter l'eau de fleur d'oranger et laisser refroidir.
Method / Préparation:
1-Wash and slice the pomegranates in half from top to bottom. Hold each half over a large bowl and bash the sides with a spoon until all the seeds come out./ Laver et couper les grenades en deux dans le milieu, puis détacher les petites perles de vos fruits, en plaçant un grand bol, puis prendre chaque moitié dans la paume de la main côté graines, et frapper avec une cuillère pour faire tomber les graines. Ainsi la grenade va se vider de ses graines facilement.
2-Rinse the strawberries, remove the leaves and stalks. / Laver les fraises et retirer les tiges.
3-Process raisin mixture, orange juice, pomegranates seeds, strawberry and ice cubes in a blender until they are well processed. / Déposer le jus de raisins secs, fraises, jus d'orange, les cubes de glace et les graines de grenades dans un blender et mixer le tout jusqu’à obtention d’un jus assez dense.
4-It's not easy to puree pomegranate seeds even if you decide to blend it slightly longer, you still end up with a little seed grit, and that's why you will have to strain the juice. Simply empty the juice mixture in a strainer and smash them with a spoon. Serve immediately. Enjoy!/ Filtrer le mélange de jus en l'écrasant avec le dos d'une cuillère dans la passoire, pour enlever toutes les petites graines blanches qui vous en restent. Servir aussitôt. Bssaha w raha!