Toghrift (Batboot)!

How to make Moroccan Toghrift (Batboot)?
 Comment préparer Toghrift (Batbout) Marocain?

It is called "Toghrift" = توغريفت, or "Batboot" = بَطْبوطْ, or "Mchayar" = مْشَيَّرْ, or "Mkhamar" = مخمر, or "Matlou3"  = مَطْلوعْ , etc.....This bread is called in so many different names but they are all the same bread.

This is a classic and a very popular flat bread in Morocco.  Traditionally, it is served with Tagines, or for breakfast with a nice spread, and very often in Ramadan.  Actually, it is very popular during Ramadan "Shour meal" (S7our = السّْحورْ); served with olive or argan oil, or butter and honey with Moroccan Atay.

In my family and in most villages in South Morocco, we call it "Toghrift"= TOR-RIFT (The first "R" is French while the second "R" is a rolled one)The letters "gh" in the word "T O GH R I F T" stands for the sound  "Ghayn = غ" in Arabic, and if the two letters "gh" are used together, they are pronounced like the French "R", similar to a gargling sound in the  back of the throat, like in the French word "Rivière", and which sounds the same as in the following words: "Imazighen" or "Ghriba", etc.....

On the other hand, if the letter "R" is used in some Arabic or Imazighen names, it usually stands for the rolled, English "R", as in the the word "T O G H I F T", and it is pronounced like the English "R", as in the word "Rain".  However, some people prefer to use numbers to illustrate the differences between the French and the English "R".

Toghrift and other forms of bread are served in Moroccan homes on daily basis. It is spongy, chewy and more importantly delicious.  It is also enjoyed when shaped small in size, known as "Mini-Toghrifts or Mini-Batboot", then stuffed with vegetables, tuna, kefta, brochettes, cheese, sea food, etc... However you decide to serve it plain, toghrift is a delicious compliment to any meal!

A PERFECT toghrift should puff up as it cooks and should be cooked on the stove, not in the ovenMy children love helping me making this lovely bread, rolling the dough and the "coolest part" is watching toghrift puffs up while it cooks.

"Wicked!" exclaimed Kamal "Yes, indeed. It's magic" replied Nassim! 


You can try any sort of baking flour to make this bread, here I made toghrift with whole wheat flour and it was delicious (See picture below) ! 

This is Toghrift with olive oil and honey, called in Chalha "Toghrift n'zit l3oud d'tammant" 
 Voici Toghrift au miel et l'huile d'olive

Pizza-Toghrift !
Choose your topping!  Garnir votre pizza!

Then, cook the pizza for 3 to 4 minutes, and serve!
Puis, faire cuire pendant 3 à 4 minutes, et Bon Appétit!

Toghrift is also a perfect bread for a sandwich.  It can be stuffed with any of your favourite sandwich filling.

Here is my Nassim's favourite sandwich
 Voici le sandwich favori de mon Nassim


And these are Mini-Toghrifts or Mini-Batboots, perfect for sandwiches!
Et voici des Mini-Toghrifts or Mini-Batbouts, et ils sont parfaits pour des sandwiches

Here they are stuffed with shrimps, carrots and spicy white sauce!
 Farcis aux crevettes, carottes, et sauce blanche bien épicée!

Toghrift bread can be plain or flavoured with herbs, spices and chopped vegetables such as onions and garlic, etc....Simply add your ingredients to the dough and follow the recipe steps below.  In this spicy toghrift recipe, I added to the dough, chopped fresh coriander/parsley (about 3 tablespoons), 1 teaspoon ground cumin, and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper and chopped black olives (about 6 tablespoons).

Here is Black olives and Fresh Herbs Toghrift (Batboot). Delicious!
Voici Batbout aux herbes et olives noires.  Trop bon!

Here is my mother's recipe:

This recipe yields 7 Medium Toghrifts, OR 14 Small Toghrifts OR 20 Mini-Toghrifts , if that is too many then the recipe can be halved / Pour 7 Toghrifts de taille moyenne OU 14 de taille petite OU 20 Mini-Toghrifts, vous pouvez couper les ingrédients en 2 si vous désirez.


-500 gr  hard unbleached flour all puprose = القمْحْ  or fine semolina / 500 gr de farine de blé dur non blanchi = القمْحْ ou semoule très fine
السّْميدة الرّْقيقة

-100 gr strong white flour or plain flour / 100 gr  farine blanche ou farine tout usage

-Some salt to taste / Un peu de sel selon le goût

-3 tablespoons olive oil / 3 c à soupe d'huile d'olive

-4 gr yeast / 4 gr de levure boulangère

N.B. : I used instant dry yeast, but you might use fresh or active dry yeast as well.  For all my baking, personally, I prefer using a little block of fresh yeast instead of dry yeast, but it is hard to find it where I live.  If you go here to a store or a shop and ask for fresh yeast, they will look at you like you were from another planet and 'how dare you ask for fresh yeast!'.  Having given no choice, I just go for instant or active dry yeast and the vendors usually tell you how to use this "thing" on the package.  I often use instant yeast where the package says it doesn't need to be dissolved in water, you simply mix it in with the dry ingredients and knead your dough.  However, if you use other types of yeast, make sure to read the package, you may have to dilute the yeast with some warm water and sometimes sugar as well until it puffs up before using it. I also find these beignets a little temperamental depending on the weather shifts. Based on temperature, these beignets can rise most rapidly and expand, but sometimes they take longer than most to develop. / J'ai mis la levure instantanée mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser d'autres types de levure soit fraîche ou sèche active. Personnellement, je préfère utiliser la levrure fraîche, mais il m'est parfois difficile de trouver ce petit trésor de levure fraîche ici, alors je dois me contenter d'utiliser la version sèche.  Que ça soit levure sèche instantanée ou active que vous avez choisi, il faut tout simplement suivre les directives du fabricant.  J'utilise souvent la levure sèche instantanée et d'après les fabricants, ce type de levure ne doit pas être diluée, et elle doit se mélanger directement à la farine, sel, etc..... Par contre, si vous utilisez la levure fraîche ou la levure sèche active, assurez-vous qu'elle soit émiettée dans un peu d'eau tiède (et une pincée de sucre qui aide la levure à bien lever) avant d'être utilisée, et lorsqu'elle est diluée, il est recommandé de la couvrir et la laisser reposer quelques minutes avant de l'incorporer à la farine.  J'ai remarqué aussi que selon la température, ces beignets gonflent si bien et si vite, ainsi le temps de levée peut être considérablement raccourci, mais parfois, ils ne lèvent pas assez!

-More or less 420 ml warm water to make the dough / Plus ou moins 420 ml de l'eau tiède pour former une pâte

-1 tablespoon caster sugar or honey / 1 à soupe de sucre semoule ou du miel 

N.B. I added about 30 ml Khmira Baldiya (Sourdough Starter or Le levain traditionnel) / J'ai ajouté environ 30 ml de Khmira Baldiya, qui est le Levain traditionnel ou Sourdough Starter.

Method / Préparation:

1-Put the flour, salt and sugar in a large bowl or Kasriya, make a well in the centre and add the yeast, and oil, then mix well with your hands, adding gradually warm water. Mix well to a soft dough and knead with hands for about 15 minutes or until smooth and elastic. The dough should be soft but not too sticky. If it turns out sticky to work with, just add some flour and keep kneading.  If the dough feels a bit stiff, work in additional water, small quantity at a time and keep kneading.  / Dans un grand bol ou Kasria, mettre la farine, sel et sucre, puis faire une fontaine au milieu, ajouter la levure et l'huile, et bien mélanger avec les mains en ajoutant graduellement de l'eau tiède pour former une pâte .  Bien pétrir environ 15 minutes ou jusqu'à que la pâte soit souple et lisse mais pas collante.  Si elle est collante, ajouter un peu de farine et continuer à pétrir mais si elle est dure, ajouter un peu de l'eau et pétrir de nouveau quelques minutes.

2-Cover the dough and allow to rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour. / Couvrir la pâte et laisser reposer pendant 30 minutes à 1 heure.

3-Punch the dough down to release any air bubbles and divide it into equal balls. Cover and leave them to rest for another 30 minutes./ Dégaser la pâte puis la diviser en boules de dimension égales.  Couvrir et laisser reposer environ 30 minutes.

4- Roll out each ball into a thin circle about 0.2 cmUse a rolling pin to go faster/ Etaler progressivement les boules en cercles sur une épaisseur de 0.2 cm environ.  Utiliser un rouleau à pâtisserie pour aller plus vite.

5-Set the rolled out dough on a clean, dry towel and cover with another DRY towel. NO NEED TO PUT ANY FLOUR ON THE TOWEL, it will not stick.  Leave to rise for about 20  to 30 minutes. / Déposez-les sur un torchon propre. PAS BESOIN DE FARINER LE TORCHON, Toghrift ne collera pas.  Couvrir avec un autre torchon propre et SEC. Laisser reposer entre 20 à 30 minutes.

6-Preheat a heavy non-stick frying pan over medium high heat . DON'T PUT OIL OR BUTTER ON THE PAN. Wait until the pan is very hot, then start to cook Toghrift.  When you put Toghrift on the hot pan, wait for about 1 minute then turn it over, don't wait until it is cooked on one side to turn it.  Keep turning it several times, until it puffs upUse 2 pans to go faster. / Sur un feu moyennement vif, faire chauffer une poêle anti-adhésive assez lourde, puis déposer Toghrift sur la poêle . IL NE FAUT PAS BADIGEONNER LA POELE AVEC AUCUNE MATIERE GRASSE.  Laisser cuire environ 1 minute, puis tourner-la.  Il ne faut pas attendre que Toghrift soit complètement cuite sur un côté pour la tourner. Tourner-la fréquemment jusqu'à comme par magie ça se met à gonfler (Tapoter un peu avec la main ça aide à gonfler vite Toghrift).  Utiliser 2 poêles pour aller plus vite.

 7-Now Toghrift is almost ready, keep turning it until golden brown on both sides. / Toghrift est presque prête maintenant, continuer à la tourner jusqu'à qu'elle prenne une belle couleur dorée sur les deux côtés.

8-Transfer the cooked Toghrift to a rack to cool. / Laisser refroidir Toghrift sur une grille après la cuisson.

9-Store the cooked Toghrifts between kitchen towels to keep warm./ Couvrir Toghrifts avec un torchon propre pour les garder au chaud. 

10-Enjoy! / Bssa7a w ra7a!

Thanks for stopping by my site!


Bergamot said…
This is a good recipe and I like the technique which I will surely use.
Oumsara Ilham said…
tbarkellah 3lik khadija,kana7ma9 3la batbout,ma3andi manssalik,jawe ghzaline,bon dimanche hbiba
Beautiful! I love that speciality.

